Social Classes

When / where / costs

Every Thursday evening at Ecole Necker from 18h15 to 20h15, September to June (details).

The 2024-2025 season begins on Thursday 12th September.

Please check the Covid page for guidance on Covid precautions when attending.

Information / registration

This season's dances

Details of recent dances are shown in the Dance Data table below. These include: a full list of those done so far, dates, teachers, whether they are on the Spring Dance programme (for more see Events), and an indiciation of the level of difficulty.

Where possible, you will also find information about dances scheduled for the next Thursday evening: there is no guarantee that they will be done since much depends on the number of people attending and the level of difficulty.

If you would like to study the cribs, most can be found at My Strathspey and the Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary web sites (see also the Links page on the menu).



Ecole Necker
4 Rue Necker, 1201 Geneva
(Enter by the playground gate)

View Larger Map

Information and registration

Noémie Wessel
Geneva SCDC Secretary (
Tel: +41 76 462 92 30


Category Costs
First time attenders The first attendance is FREE !
Occasional attenders (i.e. dancers who are unable to come regularly) CHF 5 per evening (without the obligation of joining the Club)
Annual membership fee CHF 20
Full year attendance CHF 60
Half year (Sept - Dec / Jan - June) CHF 30
Young dancers (25 and under) members
Annual membership fee CHF 20
Full year attendance CHF 30

Regular attenders are expected to join as members (i.e. annual cost for a standard member is CHF 20 + CHF 60; and for a young dancer is CHF 20 + CHF 30). Members enjoy benefits which include:

Membership and attendance fees are payable in full at the beginning of the season, in Swiss Francs.

Payments can be made by bank transfer to the club's account (see below). Please remember to indicate your name.

Bank: PostFinance
Beneficiary's address: route de Frontenex 35, 1207 Genève
PostFinance Account: 15-114805-2
IBAN: CH44 0900 0000 1511 4805 2

Alternatively you can pay cash to the Treasurer on a Thursday evening.